Faculty of Physics
M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
Найдено: 1254

Regularities and features of current dependences of junction-case thermal resistance of InGaN/GaN power light-emitting diodes

Regularities and features of current dependences of junction-case thermal resistance of InGaN/GaN power light-emitting diodes

Sergeev V.A. Smirnov V.I. Frolov I.V. Hodakov A.M.

Memoirs of the Faculty of Physics 2014. N 2.

On the basis of measurement of thermal characteristics on 30 sampels of power InGaN/GaN light emitting diodes (LED) of Cree production of in the range of current 50... 550 mА it is shown that thermal resistance junction-case of all LEDs increases with increase of working current. It is established that the steepness of current dependence of consid-erably decreases at currents more than 300 mА. Selective parameters of current de-pendences are calculated. The received results confirm adequacy of early offered nonlinear thermal models of power LED and can use for an estimating of heterogeneity of distribution of temperature and current density in LED's structures.

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Phase velocity of space-charge waves in n-InN, n-GaN and n-AlN semiconductor struc-tures

Phase velocity of space-charge waves in n-InN, n-GaN and n-AlN semiconductor struc-tures

S.A. Sergeev, A.I. Mikhailov, O.S. Senatov, B.V. Sergeeva

Memoirs of the Faculty of Physics 2014. N 2.

Some results of theoretical investigation of the influence of diffusion and frequency dispersion of electrons differential mobility on the phase velocity of space-charge waves propagating in drift beam of electrons in semiconductor structures of indium nitride, gallium nitride and aluminum nitride are given in the paper

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The perspectives of gallium, indium and aluminium nitrides application for functional devices on space charge waves

The perspectives of gallium, indium and aluminium nitrides application for functional devices on space charge waves

S.A. Sergeev, A.I. Mikhailov, B.V. Sergeeva

Memoirs of the Faculty of Physics 2014. N 2.

The analysis of modern reference data for AlN, InN, GaN parameters and characteristics in comparison with GaAs ones for investigation of realization perspectives of devices on space charge waves was carried out in the work.

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Maskless structuring of the surface of silicon substrates for nitride epitaxy

Maskless structuring of the surface of silicon substrates for nitride epitaxy

M.G. Mynbaeva, S.P. Lebedev, A.A. Lavrent'ev, K.D. Mynbaev, V.I. Nikolaev

Memoirs of the Faculty of Physics 2014. N 2.

A self-structuring of the surface of silicon wafers under specific annealing conditions is reported on. This effect can be used for developing new maskless methods of the fabrication of structured silicon substrates, which are prospective for the use in the technology of light-emitting diodes based on gallium nitride and III–nitride solid solutions.

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Characterization of GaN and GaN based structures by scanning electron microscopy methods

Characterization of GaN and GaN based structures by scanning electron microscopy methods

Yakimov E.B.

Memoirs of the Faculty of Physics 2014. N 2.

Results demonstrating possibilities of scanning electron microscopy methods for a characterization of GaN and GaN based light emitting structures are presented. Methods for correct excess carrier diffusion length measurementы in the structures with the small diffusion length are discussed. It is shown that the Electron Beam Induced Current (EBIC) method allows not only to measure the diffusion length in GaN films but in some cases to reconstruct also the lateral donor center distribution with a spatial resolution in the micrometer range. It is shown experimentally that in the structures with the small diffusion length the lateral resolution under extended defects revealing can be about 100 nm or even better. It is shown that channels of enhanced minority carrier transport across the active region of light emitting structures with InGaN/GaN quantum wells can be revealed by the EBIC.

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Memoirs of the Faculty of Physics 2014. N 2.

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Hybrid state of Tamm and surface plasmon-polaritons in one-dimensional photonic crystals

Hybrid state of Tamm and surface plasmon-polaritons in one-dimensional photonic crystals

V.O. Bessonov, I.V. Soboleva, B.I. Afinogenov, D.N. Gulkin, D.A. Shilkin, A.T. Le, and A.A. Fedyanin

Memoirs of the Faculty of Physics 2014. N 1.

Hybrid mode of Tamm plasmon-polariton and surface plasmon-polariton in 1D photonic crystal/semitransparent metal film is experimentally observed. The hybrid state is excited under conditions of total internal reflection for TM-polarized light. Spectral and angular dependences of the hybrid mode resonances positions are studied in the Kretschmann geometry by the methods of frequency-angular spectroscopy. Coupling between Tamm and surface plasmon-polaritons leads to repulsion of their dispersion curves controlled by metal film thickness. Experimental results are in a good agreement with the numerical calculations.

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Influence of heating the surface of the particle on photophoresis of large aerosol particle at high temperature differences in its surroundings

Influence of heating the surface of the particle on photophoresis of large aerosol particle at high temperature differences in its surroundings

A.V. Limanskaya

Memoirs of the Faculty of Physics 2014. N 1.

In the Stokes approximation the photophoretic motion of large solid aerosol spherical particle is described theoretically. By consideration of the motion assumed that average temperature of the particle surface significantly differs from the temperature of gaseous medium. During solution process of gas-dynamic equations analytical expressions for the force and velocity of photophoresis obtained taken into account the dependence of gaseous medium density and viscosity and heat conduction on temperature .

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Gravitational radiation from a charge in electromagnetic field

Gravitational radiation from a charge in electromagnetic field

Yu.V. Grats

Memoirs of the Faculty of Physics 2014. N 1.

It is shown that in the Furry representation matrix element for a graviton emission by an electron in the field of a plane electromagnetic wave is proportional to the matrix element for the emission of a photon. The proportionality coefficient is a pure classical and depends on the direction of graviton propagation only. Possibility to transfer the results for the case of an arbitrary external electromagnetic field is discussed.

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Femtosecond dynamics of surface plasmons in one-dimensional plasmonic crystals: frequency-resolved optical gating (FROG)

Femtosecond dynamics of surface plasmons in one-dimensional plasmonic crystals: frequency-resolved optical gating (FROG)

V. V. Zubyuk, A. I. Musorin, P. P. Vabishchevich, M. R. Shcherbakov, M. I. Sharipova, A. S. Shorokhov, T. V. Dolgova, A. A. Fedyanin

Memoirs of the Faculty of Physics 2014. N 1.

Changes in the temporal profile of the electromagnetic field of a femtosecond pulse at the resonant excitation of plasmon-polaritons (PP) in the vicinity of the band gap edges of plasmonic crystal were demonstrated using the frequency-resolving optical gating (FROG) technique. It is shown that the broadening of the p-polarized pulse reflected from the plasmonic crystal is 20% more than in the case of s-polarized light in the vicinity of band gap edges where the lifetime of plasmon-polaritons is highest. The spectrum of the reflected pulse is significantly modified because of the resonant excitation of the PP in the crystal — the intensity decreases near the wavelengths corresponding to the band gap edges.

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