Faculty of Physics
M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
Найдено: 1254

Modification of Quasifield Simulation Method of Surface Acoustic Waves Interdigital Transducers Characteristics

Modification of Quasifield Simulation Method of Surface Acoustic Waves Interdigital Transducers Characteristics

Suchkov Sergey Germanovich, Suchkov Dmitry Sergeevich, Nikolaevtsev Victor Andreevich, Rossoshansky Andrey Vladimirovich

Memoirs of the Faculty of Physics 2014. N 5.

A modified quasifield method of surface acoustic waves (SAW) interdigital transducers (IDT) electrical characteristics simulation without any phenomenological parameters was proposed. It allows simulating with high accuracy and operatively of the perspective SAW devices on the microwave frequency band for any IDT electrodes configurations with the consideration of the finite thickness of the electrodes, including taking into account of the layered structure of the electrodes with the adhesive sublayer. The results obtained by this method are in good agreement with the experimental data that were described in the literature.

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Database of Russian speech as a tool for studying interference of articulation patterns in different languages

Database of Russian speech as a tool for studying interference of articulation patterns in different languages

S.A.Kreychi1, G.E.Kedrova, F.O.Bayramova, S.B.Potemkin4, O.E.Frolova

Memoirs of the Faculty of Physics 2014. N 5.

Interference of articulation patterns in different languages is a major obstacle to mastering accent-free foreign-language pronunciation. Database of Russian speech, developed at the Laboratory of Phonetics and Speech Communication of the Philological Faculty of Moscow State University, comprises two similar parts: the correct orthoepic one and Russian pronunciation with the accent: patterns produced by people with different native languages (including reading of isolated words and sentences, and spontaneous utterances). The variety of articulation mouth shapes necessary for the sound production in different languages can be represented as a cross-language space of articulation postures in which these postures may mismatch those in Russian. Such a mismatch requires complete restructuring the articulation bases of the native language with the aim of mastering the accent-free Russian pronunciation. Keywords: foreign language accent, Russian language, interference, database. PACS: 43.70.Jt. Received Keywords: foreign-language accent, Russian, interference , database. PACS: 43.70.Jt.

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Моделирование и измерение поля мощного многоэлементного терапевтического излучателя в широком диапазоне интенсивностей вплоть до проявления эффекта насыщения в фокусе

Моделирование и измерение поля мощного многоэлементного терапевтического излучателя в широком диапазоне интенсивностей вплоть до проявления эффекта насыщения в фокусе

П.В Юлдашев, А. Максвелл, В. Крайдер, О.А. Сапожников, М. Бэйли, Л. Крам, В.А. Хохлова

Memoirs of the Faculty of Physics 2014. N 5.

Во многих современных приложениях мощного фокусированного ультразвука (HIFU) в неинвазивной хирургии, например, при гистотрипсии, возникает необходимость генерации мощных ультразвуковых полей с амплитудой ударного фронта в фокусе до 120 МПа на значительной глубине в ткани. Для экспериментального исследования возможности создания таких полей и генерации механических разрушений в ткани был создан прототип системы, состоящий из усилителя и излучателя с рабочей частотой 1 МГц. Излучатель состоит из семи отдельных элементов круглой формы, расположенных на сферической чашке диаметром 14.7 см и радиусом кривизны 14 см. Цель настоящей работы состояла в характеризации поля указанного излучателя в воде с помощью гидрофонных измерений и численного моделирования. Моделирование поля было выполнено на основе трехмерного уравнения Вестервельта с начальными условиями, полученными экспериментально методом акустической голографии. В эксперименте профили волны в фокусе были измерены оптоволоконным гидрофоном. Измерения проводились при различной амплитуде акустического давления на поверхности источника. Было показано, что результаты измерений и расчетов хорошо согласуются между собой. Найдены максимально достижимые значения для пиковых давлений и амплитуды ударного фронта. Таким образом, в работе было показано, что численное моделирование на основе трехмерного уравнения Вестервельта является важным инструментом для прогнозирования характеристик ультразвуковых полей, создаваемых мощными терапевтическими HIFU излучателями.

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Elastic Properties of Polymer Layer under Uniaxial Compression in Cylindrical Geometry

Elastic Properties of Polymer Layer under Uniaxial Compression in Cylindrical Geometry

T.B. Krit, V.G. Andreev, A.V. Shanin, I.I. Golubkova

Memoirs of the Faculty of Physics 2014. N 5.

We measured the linear and nonlinear elastic moduli of polymer material plastisol. The layer of material was polymerized between two coaxial solid cylinders with diameters 6-8 times greater than the thickness of the layer. During the polymerization process mechanical stresses arose within the material. Comparing the measured values of the elastic parameters of the material, polymerized between the cylinders, to the values measured in the material, polymerized between flat parallel plates, under uniaxial compression it became possible to evaluate these stresses. Measurements in the flat and cylindrical geometry have been carried out by the method of static shear deformations up to 0.4-0.6 of the layer thickness. Nonlinear effects are well pronounced under such deformations, which allows to estimate their contribution to the elastic properties exhibited by the material and measure the nonlinear Landau parameters. Shear strain was created by certain tension applied to one of the plastisol boundaries in plane geometry. The second boundary was fixed and could not move in the direction of shear deformation. However, bindings allowed this boundary to move in the direction perpendicular to the direction of shear deformation. The shear strain in a cylindrical geometry was created by the rotation of one of the cylinders applying a certain stress tangentially to the lateral surface. The pattern of stress-strain curves and the measured values of static shear modulus appeared to be significantly different in cylindrical geometry and planar geometry, whereas the thickness of plastisol was the same. Landau parameter A, measured in plane geometry with the uniaxial compression applied, was equal to -392 kPa.

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Photoacoustic investigations of the Gruneisen parameter for cadmium diphosphide in the field of commensurate-incommensurate phase transition

Photoacoustic investigations of the Gruneisen parameter for cadmium diphosphide in the field of commensurate-incommensurate phase transition

N.I. Odina, A.S. Polushko

Memoirs of the Faculty of Physics 2014. N 5.

The results of the experimental studies of the temperature dependence of the normalized Gruneisen parameter for cadmium diphosphide single crystal in the field of commensurate-incommensurate phase transition are presented. Measurements were made using laser photoacoustic method with harmonic excitation and piezoelectric registration in the temperatures interval of 280-330 K. Anomalies of the temperature dependence of the amplitude of the photoacoustic signal is proportional to the Gruneisen parameter were observed in the temperature range of 305-322 K. These anomalies are associated with the occurrence of phase transitions from commensurate to incommensurate phase. The estimation of the temperature dependence of the normalized Gruneisen parameter using literature data and comparison with experimental data were made.

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Application of ultrasound phased arrays with different number of elements for irradiation of tissue behind the ribs

Application of ultrasound phased arrays with different number of elements for irradiation of tissue behind the ribs

S.A. Ilyin, L.R. Gavrilov, V.A. Khokhlova

Memoirs of the Faculty of Physics 2014. N 5.

In many current medical applications of high intensity focused ultrasound it is necessary to take into account additional energy losses due to the presence of natural obstacles like ribs. In this study the feasibility of using phased arrays with different number of elements to reduce overheating ribs when focusing through the intercostal spaces was studied. Geometric approach to switch off the array elements that are in the shadow of ribs was used to minimize the exposure of the ribs to the ultrasound energy. The effect of the number of the array elements on the value of the power losses of the focused beam at the ribs and the level of intensity in the focal region behind the ribs was studied.

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The modification method of the microwave acoustic resonator spectroscopy of thin layers and films for measurements over a wide frequency range

The modification method of the microwave acoustic resonator spectroscopy of thin layers and films for measurements over a wide frequency range

S.G. Alekseev, I.M. Kotelyanskii, N.I. Polzikova, G.D. Mansfeld

Memoirs of the Faculty of Physics 2014. N 5.

The spectrum of the composite acoustic resonator (HBAR) is a multimode, and may contain several thousand resonance peaks. We have developed a set of programs that allows recording the spectrum scans with arbitrary frequency step within the whole frequency range of the network analyzer. Due to the high degree of automation of the processing of scans we obtain data on the parameters (frequency and width) of each resonance peak. Proposed method increases the accuracy of the previously known method of measuring the velocity of an acoustic wave (AW) of the material by comparing the spectra HBAR before and after developing the test layer. For the layers with the thickness of a few wavelengths the new method allows to obtain information about the velocity from only one AW spectrum.

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Influence of defect structure on the elastic properties of the D16 aluminum alloy

Influence of defect structure on the elastic properties of the D16 aluminum alloy

V.S. Kozlov, A.I. Korobov

Memoirs of the Faculty of Physics 2014. N 5.

The results of experimental studies of the influence of defect structure changes in a D16 polycrystalline aluminum alloy on its linear and nonlinear elastic properties are presented. The change of defect structure in the sample is caused by application of static cyclic stress (tension- compression - tension – compression) to it. Studies of the elastic properties of the test specimen during the application of variable loads were carried out using static, quasi-static and dynamic methods. Ultrasonic measurements were conducted using the pulse method. Investigation of nonlinear elastic properties of the test material were done using two methods: a dynamic spectral method according to the efficiency of generation of the second harmonic in the acoustic wavefield of finite amplitude at a frequency of 5 MHz and quasistatic method by measuring the change of velocity of acoustic waves in the sample as a function of the applied static pressure to it. Keywords: defects, nonclassic elastic nonlinearity, plastic deformation, spectral method, second harmonic.

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Magnetoelastic interactions in the acoustic microwave resonator containing epitaxial ferromagnetic films on nonmagnetic substrate

Magnetoelastic interactions in the acoustic microwave resonator containing epitaxial ferromagnetic films on nonmagnetic substrate

N.I. Polzikova, S.G. Alekseev, I.M. Kotelyanskii, V.A. Luzanov, A.O. Raevskii

Memoirs of the Faculty of Physics 2014. N 5.

In this paper it is experimentally demonstrated that in the composite resonator structure with ferromagnetic and piezoelectric films magnetic oscillations can be excited and detected directly by means of an electroacoustic transducer of bulk acoustic waves. Excitation of nonuniform ferromagnetic resonance occurs at frequencies close to those of the magnetoelastic resonance in a magnetic material, and appears as a frequency rearrangement of the multimode resonator, which depends resonantly on the external magnetic field. The rearrangement for the resonator with the ZnO film and YIG in the whole intermodal interval  3.6 MHz was experimentally observed. The observed effect is of interest to: a) the practical application of a tunable frequency control elements and microwave filters, b) study the magnetic dynamics in ferromagnetic films, c) new applications of microwave acoustic resonators.

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The acoustical investigation of shear viscoelastic properties of colloidal suspensions of nanoparticles

The acoustical investigation of shear viscoelastic properties of colloidal suspensions of nanoparticles

Dembelova T.S., Tsyrenzhapova A.B, Makarova D.N., Damdinov B.B., Badmaev B.B.

Memoirs of the Faculty of Physics 2014. N 5.

A complex shear modulus of colloidal suspensions of silica nanoparticles in the liquid polymer PES-2 are measured depending on the angle of shear deformation using acoustical resonance method. A piezoelectric crystal with the resonance frequency of 73 kHz as vibrator is applied in study. The changing of the viscoelastic properties of the suspensions depending on the concentration and size of nanoparticles is shown according to the comparison with the base liquid.

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