Faculty of Physics
M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University

Supplemental Material Instructions

The Moscow University Physics Bulletin provide a platform for Supplemental Material (SM) deposited as electronic files. SM is useful information that is not essential to understanding an article's main results. Being electronic, it can also include material that cannot at this time be integrated into the printed journal (e.g., movies). Please note that SM cannot be used to avoid a length limit, since any article must be convincing without its SM. There is no charge associated with SM.

How to deposit

Electronic files should be uploaded via the Web as part of a manuscript submission via our submission server. During the process you will be prompted to enter important information about your deposit for the end user such as file type, installation instructions, minimum requirements, etc.

Citation in Article

Authors should ensure that the journal article contains a reference in the reference list as follows: See Supplemental Material at [URL will be inserted by publisher] for [give brief description of material].


All files related to an article will be stored as a single deposit and will be assigned an SM URL. This will appear in the article's reference list, which will link to the supplemental file(s).