The present work uses data from the Meteor-M2 satellite, which had a circular polar orbit and recorded electron fluxes in various energy ranges. To obtain the longitudinal dependence of the fluxes, data were taken for the period June – July 2019, corresponding to the minimum of solar and geomagnetic activity. To solve this problem, a program has been developed to automate the process of data analysis and determine the areas where the satellite passes the outer radiation belt of the Earth. The dependence of electron fluxes on longitude and the McIlwain parameter L was obtained, and a formula for converting fluxes from one longitude to another was derived, which allows calculating the values of fluxes in subsequent sections of the orbit.
Received: 2024 June 9
Approved: 2024 October 30
94.30.Xy Radiation belts
© 2016 Publisher M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
A. O. Belova$^1$, I. N. Myagkova$^2$
$^2$Научно-исследовательский институт ядерной физики имени Д.В. Скобельцына
$^2$Научно-исследовательский институт ядерной физики имени Д.В. Скобельцына