The contours of the HeI 492.2 nm line formed by Stark σ components in the region of the cathode potential drop on the side surface of the cathode were recorded. A spectropolarization method has been developed for determining the electric field strength using the He I 492.2 nm line contour formed by Stark σ components. The spatial distribution of the electric field strength in the layer of cathode potential drop on the side surface of the cathode was obtained, which is linear with distance from the discharge gap.
Received: 2024 June 6
Approved: 2024 November 4
52.70.-m Plasma diagnostic techniques and instrumentation
52.80.Hc Glow; corona
52.80.Hc Glow; corona
© 2016 Publisher M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
P. A. Ivanova, A. V. Kazak, L. V. Simonchik, M. U. Tomkavich
$^1$B.I. Stepanov Institute of Physics NAS of Belarus
$^1$B.I. Stepanov Institute of Physics NAS of Belarus