Faculty of Physics
M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University

Physical process control in laser metal deposition technology

Yu. N. Zavalov, A. V. Dubrov, P. S. Rodin, V. D. Dubrov

Memoirs of the Faculty of Physics 2020. N 2.

  • Article

The article deals with the control modes of physical processes in the technology of laser metal deposition (LMD). The software and hardware implementation of the LMD process control system with laser power control is presented. The system operates in real time with a control cycle duration of 15 ms and allows one to adjust the laser power set in the controller program. The system can be used not only in laboratory or newly created installations, but also for integration into existing LMD systems. It is shown that the use of pulse-width modulation of the laser power allows one to control the shape of the deposited track. It is also shown that under certain parameters of power modulation, it is possible to increase the cooling rate of the melt while maintaining the track width.

Received: 2020 March 25
Approved: 2020 June 29
42.62.Cf Industrial applications
Yu. N. Zavalov, A. V. Dubrov, P. S. Rodin, V. D. Dubrov
$^1$3Institute on Laser and Information Technologies RAS (ILIT RAS)
Issue 2, 2020

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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