Faculty of Physics
M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University

Relaxation of electric charge of dielectric materials in plasma of an electric propulsion

S. S. Blyakharsky, Y. S. Blyakharsky, A. B. Nadiradze

Memoirs of the Faculty of Physics 2020. N 2.

  • Article

This paper presents the results of an experimental study of the effect of low-temperature plasma of electric propulsion on the charge state of dielectric materials. The data on the dynamics of the relaxation process of the electric charge accumulated in the dielectric under irradiation with medium-energy electrons under the action of low-temperature plasma formed during the operation of the electric propulsion are obtained. It is shown that the relaxation process is nonlinear and proceeds in two stages, which may be due to the presence of a double layer of positive and negative charges in the surface layers of a radiation-charged dielectric.

Received: 2020 February 26
Approved: 2020 June 29
52.75.-d Plasma devices
52.90.+z Other topics in physics of plasmas and electric discharges
52.80.-s Electric discharges
29.27.Ac Beam injection and extraction
S. S. Blyakharsky, Y. S. Blyakharsky, A. B. Nadiradze
$^1$Department of Electric propulsion and spacecraft power plants, the Institute of number 2 «Aircraft, rocket engines and power plants», Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)
Issue 2, 2020

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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