Faculty of Physics
M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University

Acoustic emission from frozen soil foundations during their re-alternating thermome-chanical loading

E. A. Novikov, M. G. Zaytsev, E. A. Kliment'ev

Memoirs of the Faculty of Physics 2020. N 1.

  • Article

The regularities of acoustic emission in frozen soils of different material composition exposed to multiple cycles of thawing-freezing and being under the influence of quasi-static uniaxial mechanical load were experimentally established. The influence of the soil texture, the degree of its salinity, the variable intensity of the temperature effect and the heterogeneity of the dis-tribution of the thermal gradient on these regularities was studied. The characteristics and de-sign of the hardware system necessary to perform these studies were presented. This system also makes it possible to verify the results of acoustic measurements simultaneously by their comparison with the obtained data of ultrasonic sounding and the results of measurement of the resistance of the probe penetration into the soil. The technique of interpretation of the es-tablished acoustic-emission regularities was described and substantiated which allows to esti-mate the bearing capacity and the stage of the deformed state by the parameters and the na-ture of the acoustic emission of the soil material taking into account the action of the above factors.

Received: 2019 October 24
Approved: 2020 March 12
43.58.+z Acoustical measurements and instrumentation
E. A. Novikov, M. G. Zaytsev, E. A. Kliment'ev
$^1$National University of Science and Technology "Moscow Steel & Alloys Institute" (MISiS), Moscow Mining Institute (MGI)
Issue 1, 2020

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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