The work investigated protective properties of various designs of anti-vibration mittens and gloves. Measurements were taken according to requirements of GOST 12.4.002-97 «Means of protection of hands from vibration. Technical requirements and test methods». The highest protective properties are noted at products with gel materials and the combined anti-vibration elements. Single regularity for all remedies was their low performance in frequency area of a range (8 – 63 Hz). The highest characteristics in this frequency range are noted at mittens "Turbo Donbass", efficiency reached 3-4 dB. Increase in the damping properties of the individual protection equipment (IPE) is reached by the choice of geometrical parameters of elastic details of designs of anti-vibration elements and a combination of materials with various visco-elastic properties.
$^1$Northwest scientific center of hygiene and public health\
$^2$St. Petersburg polytechnical university of Peter the Great. Russia\
$^3$Institute of mechanics of metalpolymeric systems of V. A. Bely\
$^4$Optimikst Ltd.