Particulars of development of technology the tomography of sea crust on the basis of application of coastal laser strainmeters and low-frequency hydroacoustic emitters are considered. In studying the regularities of distribution of the hydroacoustic signals created by hydroacoustic emitters according to the wedge-shaped shelf of decreasing depth with an assessment of a share of the hydroacoustic energy transformed to seismoacoustic energy, it is established that with depths less than a half of hydroacoustic wave practically the entire signal propagates in the bottom. When carrying out the experimental studies in the Vityaz Bay of the Sea of Japan using coastal laser strainmeters and the hydroacoustic emitter, generating complex phase-manipulated signals with a central frequency of 33 Hz, the foundations of technology of tomography of the earth crust of shelf areas of various seas have been worked out. With the purpose of solving similar problems at large depths of the sea, a powerful low-frequency hydroacoustic emitter on 19-26 Hz was designed and built, designed to generate signals of varying complexity with amplitude up to 10 kPa. During its tests on the shelf of the Sea of Japan, the velocities of the Rayleigh, Stoneley and Love waves were determined on "emitter-laser strainmeter" path.
43.58.-e Acoustical measurements and instrumentation
43.30.+m Underwater sound
43.40.-r Structural acoustics and vibration
$^1$V.I. Il'ichev Pacific Oceanological Institute, Far-East Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences\
$^2$Far Eastern Federal University, School of Natural Sciences, Department of Oceanography and Hydrometeorology