Experimental data was obtained using the Doppler log installed on the boat tacks – North water area of Ladoga lake at depths greater than 100 m. The Gain at the gate of the synchronous receive 4 channels was constant, the ratio s/n >> 1. The obtained coefficients of variation, temporal and spatial correlation. Estimates are compared to traffic conditions with a small velocity and stop the boat. Examines the relationship of ratings with the top layer of the bottom, having in some seas.
Received: 2017 June 26
Approved: 2017 October 17
43.30.Gv Backscattering, echoes, and reverberation in water due to combinations of boundaries
© 2016 Publisher M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
K. P. Lwow, A. A. Fomin
$^1$JSC «Concern «Оceanpribor»
$^1$JSC «Concern «Оceanpribor»