The report describes the results of a study of temporal variability of AR and APMA models hydroacoustic noise at time intervals up to two minutes, registered using a single non-directional hydrophone in calm weather in the shallow zone near the port of Vladivostok. The report describes the dependences of AR(5) and ARMA(3,2) models from time. Results can be considered typical for the water area when no moving or at anchor vessels. The report summarizes the results of comparison of temporal variability of parameters for the AR(5) and ARMA(3,2) hydroacoustic noise models and the software-implemented model of white noise.
Received: 2017 July 26
Approved: 2017 October 17
43.30.+m Underwater sound
43.35.-c Ultrasonics, quantum acoustics, and physical effects of sound
43.35.-c Ultrasonics, quantum acoustics, and physical effects of sound
© 2016 Publisher M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
S. V. Gorovoy
$^1$Far Eastern Federal University
$^1$Far Eastern Federal University