Faculty of Physics
M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University

Neutrino oscillations in homogeneous moving medium

A. E. Lobanov, A. V. Chukhnova

Memoirs of the Faculty of Physics 2017. N 4.

  • Article

We obtain the probabilities of the spin-flavor transitions in unpolarized moving matter in the two-flavor model using the solution of the quasi-classical equation, which describes both neutrino flavor oscillations and its spin rotation. Neutrino spin behaviour is investigated taking into account neutrino flavor oscillations.

Received: 2017 June 20
Approved: 2017 July 25
12.15.-y Electroweak interactions
13.15.+g Neutrino interactions
14.60.Pq Neutrino mass and mixing
A. E. Lobanov, A. V. Chukhnova
$^1$Department of Theoretical Physics, Faculty of physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University
Issue 4, 2017

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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