The paper contains a brief overview of the methods of morphological image analysis. The mathematical models of signal (image) shapes are formulated, particularly, the models that incorporate subjective judgments of a researcher. The mathematical methods and the numerical algorithms for calculating the measures of proximity of signal (image) shapes based on the oblique projection technique are described. Some applications of the methods of morphological image analysis to the real-wold problems are considered.
Received: 2017 June 30
Approved: 2017 July 25
02.70.-c Computational techniques; simulations
02.90.+p Other topics in mathematical methods in physics
02.90.+p Other topics in mathematical methods in physics
© 2016 Publisher M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
A. I. Chulichkov, O. V. Falomkina, Yu. P. Pytyev, A. V. Zubjuk
$^1$Department of General Nuclear Physics, Faculty of physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University
$^1$Department of General Nuclear Physics, Faculty of physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University