Faculty of Physics
M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

Surface plasmon–polaritons in hybrid structures containing topological insulators with axion effect

D.O. Ignatyeva$^{1,2}$, A.N. Kalish$^{1,2}$, A.K. Zvezdin$^{3}$, V. I. Belotelov$^{1,2}$

Memoirs of the Faculty of Physics 2016. N 5.

  • Article

Properties of surface plasmon–polaritons excited in two and three-layered structures containing topological insulators with axion effect were investigated. The plasmon polarization rotation was revealed and the conditions for the polarization effects enhancement were found.

42.25.Ja Polarization
D.O. Ignatyeva$^{1,2}$, A.N. Kalish$^{1,2}$, A.K. Zvezdin$^{3}$, V. I. Belotelov$^{1,2}$
$^1$Department of photonics and microwave physics, Faculty of Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University Moscow 119991, Russia
$^2$Russian Quantum Center, 143025, Russia, Moscow, Skolkovo, Novaya str. 100A
$^3$Prokhorov General Physics Institute RAS, Russia, 119991, Moscow, Vavilova, 38
Issue 5, 2016

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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