Faculty of Physics
M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
Regular Article

The Study of the Temperature Dependence of the Luminescence Spectra of the Nanocomposites with CdSe Quantum Dots

K.A. Magaryan$^1$, M.A. Mikhailov$^1$, K.R. Karimullin$^{2,3}$, I.A. Vasilieva$^1$, G.V. Klimusheva$^4$

Memoirs of the Faculty of Physics 2014. N 4.

  • Article

The paper is devoted to investigation of cadmium selenide quantum dots doped in the liquid crystalline matrix of cadmium caprylate. Fluorescence spectra were obtained using epi–luminescent luminescence microscopy technique at temperatures ranging from 77K to 300 K. We studied how fluorescence spectra depend on the temperature, on the size of the quantum dots, and the inhomogeneity of the objects of the investigation.

33.50.Dq Fluorescence and phosphorescence spectra
K.A. Magaryan$^1$, M.A. Mikhailov$^1$, K.R. Karimullin$^{2,3}$, I.A. Vasilieva$^1$, G.V. Klimusheva$^4$
$^1$Moscow Pedagogical State University. Moscow 119992, Russia.
$^2$Institute for Spectroscopy, Russian Academy of Science. Moscow, Troitsk 142190 Russia.
$^3$Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute, Russian Academy of Science. Kazan 420029, Russia.
$^4$Institute of Physics, NAS of Ukraine. Kiev, 03028, Ukraine
Issue 4, 2014

Moscow University Physics Bulletin

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